Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Yorkshire Sculpture Park and IMAX

Today we went on a trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture park and then to the IMAX at the Bradford Media museum.  I found the sculpture park very interesting as it allowed to explore different forms of art that I haven't seen before.  Not only was there sculptures, but there were also installations to look at.  Despite me not wanting to be part of this art I found the sculpture park very interesting and inspirational.  Unfortunately I didn't take my camera so I was unable to get any good quality pictures.

We also went to the Bradford Media Museum to the IMAX to watch a 3D film.  Whenever I go to a cinema and have the choice to watch a 3D film I always choose otherwise as I'm not really a fan of 3D films, although I really enjoyed it at the IMAX.  I have been to the IMAX before but last time I went the was a huge difference in 3D quality.  The film that we watched suited being in 3D because it added an extra depth to the film and made it feel greater than it was.

Overall, I enjoyed the trip and I learnt a lot from it.  I will definartly be taking influence from the work that I have seen today.

Silver Apples Studio Session

Today we filmed another multi-camera studio session, with 60's musician Silver Apples.  For todays session I had hoped to work behind one of the cameras, but other people also wanted to have a go on the cameras so I decided that I would occupy another role.  I was given another camera that was attached to a track and was directed to look for shots, taking advantage of the track.  As the camera that I was using was not hooked up the vision mixing desk, it meant that the director was unable to see what I was doing, this meant that I was able to do what I wanted.  I also didn't have any headphones so it wouldn't have been possible for the director to communicate with me.  When the shoot began I used the track and experimented zooming in and  out and tracking at the same time.  I felt that some of the shots were excellent, and will hopefully be used in the final edit.  I tired to capture footage that the other four cameras in the studio couldn't such as the equipment that was being used and tracking up the microphone onto the singer, which wouldn't be possible on one of the other cameras.  Overall I think that the multi-camera production was successful as it looked and sounded amazing.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Aidan Moffat Session

On 17th October we were suppose to be filming a studio session with Aidan Moffat and Bill Wells.  Unfortunately, they were unable attend so the shoot had to be cancelled.  Hopefully, the studio session with be re-scheduled.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

I met the Walrus

As I was searching the interent for the music for 'I am the Walrus' by 'The Beatles', I came across a short animated film that I have become a fan of.  I'm not usually a huge fan of animation but 'I met the Walrus' is something different to others.  Directed by Josh Raskin, 'I met the Walrus' is based on an interview of John Lennon by Jerry Levitan, recorded in 1696.  If I wasn't a fan of 'The Beatles' then I defiantly wouldn't have found this film.  Even though I have said I wouldn't like the work on animation that often, I would like to have a go at this type of animation.

Mark Gardener Location Shoot Interview Questions

I have been researching Mark Gardener, and I have come up with several possbile questions that could in the interview.

·         Throughout your successful music career who have been your main influences?
·         Are there any non-musical influences apparent in your music?
·         Over the last couple of years you’ve been producing other musicians, why have you decided to work in the more production side of music?
·         You’ve also collaborated with several musicians, is collaborating with musicians something that you want to do more often in the future?
·         The last album you released was ‘These Beautiful Ghosts’ in 2005, have you any plans for another album, or are you focusing on producing?
·         You also worked on ‘Upside down: The Creation Records Story’ as the film’s supervisor of music, how did it come about that you worked on the film.
·         What does the future hold for Mark Gardener?
I will carry on researching so that I can come up with more questions to ask, aswell as developing the questions that I already have.

Meditation on Violence

On 27th September, in our lecture we watched a piece of experimental film, called 'Meditation on Violence' by Maya Deren.  The film shows an oriental man wearing a headscarf and white pants, in front of various different backgrounds such as white, black, a mixture of both and outside.  The man is shown meditating on his own in front of a white studio setting, before it shows him outside practising with a sword, then back to the first scene. 

We then given a brief to create a piece of work inspired by the work of Maya Deren.  Four men from a local Marshall arts club came in to College to perform their moves in the studio, where we would film them.  By doing this we were creating a piece of video art paying homage to Maya Deren.

Although I have worked in the studio several times know and I am getting use to the equipment, this was by far the hardest session that I have ever had to shoot on camera, due to the fact that the subject was always stood still, and they were also very unpredictable with what they were going to do.  This meant that the cameras had to be unlocked at all times, and had to keep up with the subject.

Stop Motion Animation

Last week at college we were shown a couple of animation video, ranging from stop motion to 3D cell animation.  I have created my own stop motion animation piece before at school, and at the time I really enjoyed it.  We were directed to form small groups and create our own stop motion animation out of post stick-notes and a digital camera to experiment with animation and enhance our understanding of it.  In my group we created an animation based on 'retro' video games such as; Pong, Snake, Space Invaders and Tetris, and every time we moved a post stick-note we took a picture.  We had to make sure that the camera remained still at all times so that the animation flowed and didn't jump.  When we had finished the production we had a look back through the images on the camera, and to say we had come up the the idea and created it in less an hour, I think that it look good, and its ready for editing in post production when the equipment is available to use.  I think from exploring different forms of media means that I have greater knowledge that if I didn't, but I can't say that I want to work on animation too often.

Experimental Video

For my latest video brief I have to research, plan, create, and evaluate experimental video.  I'm interested in creating an experimental video showing people emotions, and how their react to certain things.  A few years ago I went to an exhibition at The National Media Museum called 'Immersion' by Robbie Cooper.

Immersion is a project that records video of people through the screen as they play games, use the Internet and watch TV.  Robbie Cooper
For my experimental video I want to be able to capture people's facial expressions in front of the camera and see how different people react.  I have had a basic idea that needs developing for a possible video that I could create.  What I want to do is capture several people's emotions and expressions in front of the a camera.  I will the direct the person to sit on a chair in the studio and film them for approximately one minute.  I will not tell them what to do or say, it is up to them to how they react.  I wont tell the person what will be happening apart from the fact that they need to sit in the chair.  Hopefully by doing this I can capture all sorts of different emotions and expressions. 

I have also been looking at Andy Warhol's 'Screen Tests', in particularly the screen tests of famous people who he has filmed.  I feel that Andy Warhol's work will be a huge influence on me if I decided to develop my idea further. 

I also want to mind map other ideas and develop them so I can have a greater choice to choose from when I decide to create my experimental video piece.

Mark Gardener Location Shoot

On Friday 14th October we'll be filming Mark Gardener live at The Grand.  We will be filming an interview, acoustic performance and the live gig.  To prepare for the shoot on Friday I've been researching the former Ride singer to enhance my knowledge of him, which will be useful during the interview.  I have explored so that I am aware of his history, and so that I can shape some questions to ask him.  I also hope to watch 'Upside Down: The Creation Records Story' which should also give me extra information about Mark Gardener as he worked as the supervisor of music for the film, as well as being signed to the record label which the film is about. 

Monday, 3 October 2011

My idea for experimental audio (part 1)

For my experimental audio piece Ive been looking into the sounds created at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop.  I want to create a piece of audio that represents futuristic technology, impractically sound effects that are used in science fiction films that suggest what something could sound like, such as alien spaceships etc...

The opening 15 seconds to the orginal 'Doctor Who' theme tune is something that I would be interested in creating, but obviously using modern day technology.