Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Francis Bacon

I've been thinking about my idea for the fear aspect of my film, and I have been doubting to whether it is possible or not.  So therefor I have decided that I am to think of something else base my fear on.  I was looking at artists was inspiration and I came across Francis Bacon.  Francis Bacon is a name that I have been aware of but I've never really looked and apprecitated his work before.

I really took an interest into his portrait paintings as I feel that they portray loneliness, suffering and pain, which I feel could be a huge influence on my current work.

What I like about the paintings is that every portrait has it's own narrative, and tells a completely different story to the others, which a recurring theme of pain, loneliness and suffering.

This is something that I am interested in recreating for a different medium.  I could have a close up shot of somebody in a dark studio, and I could distort their image in after effects. 

The images above are Andy Warhol's screentests.  This is something that I plan on doing, but I will use various effects to create something that represents fear.

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