Thursday, 31 May 2012

Synchronising The Studio Audio

Today I received the finished audio, recorded from the studio.  Previously I had been using the guide audio for my edit, but now I am using the mixed and mastered version, and I can already tell a huge difference in quality and sound.

I had to sync up the audio so that it was played at the same as the video.. This is something that I have done before, so I didn't really find it difficult to do so.  To sync up the audio, I firstly had to import the audio into Premiere Pro, to do this I double clicked the import and selected the file that I wanted.  I then copied the files the folder wanted into my fold, with all of my other work, including footage.

Once the files were in my folder I then dragged them into the the timeline, and lined put them next to the footage that the audio was for.  To sync up the audio to the footage I then dragged the audio to the start of the footage and checked to see if it was or wasn't.  As I just dragged the footage without properly checking to see if it was in the correct place it was obviously going to be out of sync.  I then watched the footage, and listened to the original guide audio to see if there was any obvious sync up points that would make the task easier.  Luckily for me the drummer of the band taped his sticks together at the beginning of the song and this picked up by the microphones.  This was a good guide to keeping me in sync.  I then listened and looked for the first drum sticks taping, and moved the audio on level with the footage.  After I had done this I then played the footage through, cancelling out the guide audio, and playing the studio audio to see if the footage was in sync, it was.  Once I had done this I then synced up the rest of the audio to the remaining footage and checked through several times to make sure that the footage was all in sync.

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